Daily Read - 1 Kings 22:1-53; Acts 13:16-41; Psalm 138:1-8; Proverbs 17:17-18
Psalm 138:7-8
Though I walk in the midst of trouble,
You will revive me;
You will stretch out Your hand
Against the wrath of my enemies,
And Your right hand will save me.
The Lord will perfect that which concerns me;
Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever;
Do not forsake the works of Your hands.
Dear Heavenly Father, I come and fall into the safety of Your faithful arms of mercy. When trouble surrounds me on every side, I know from whom my help comes; it comes from the Lord, Maker of all things.
I take great comfort knowing I am engraved in the palm of Your hands; the same hands that hold the entire universe in place cradles and protects me from my enemies. Thank You for taking out everything that tries to take me out. You see and know things I do not; Your glory is my rear guard.
When I come into the secret place of Your presence, I find rest from worry and all anxieties cease. I know the enemy cannot find me when I am tucked away in the spirit. He looks, but to no avail because I am inaccessible to him. Your mighty right arm takes out everything that would even think of inflicting harm upon me.
All my concerns melt away as I soak in Your amazing love. As I bask in Your glorious splendor, I have nothing to fear because Your perfect love chases away fear and worry. Tumultuous waters may rise around me, but I rest in Your hands. The winds of change may blow apart landscapes, but I rest in the palm of Your hands. The earth may violently shake shifting entire landmasses, but I rest in Your almighty hands. I am Your workmanship and You will never forsake the work of Your hands.
I am Your child and You are My Father,
What more could a child ever want or need!