Prayer Services at Gateway on Mt. Zion

At the heart of Gateway on Mt. Zion is relational, prophetic intercession. The Lord has called us to be advocates in prayer and fasting for the hurting, wounded and downtrodden.

Senior Pastors David and Dee Dee Thompson, the leadership, along with the entire intercessory team, have a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ and spend many hours in HIS presence -- hearing HIS heartbeat for GOMZ, the community, state, country and the nations. The desire of this ministry is to preach the gospel to all the world, minister to the brokenhearted, reach the lost – by meeting physical, emotional and spiritual needs, to be obedient in all that the Lord instructs. The foundation of all we do is prayer.

One of the mandates from Jesus for this ministry/family, is to come into a place of Holiness where the flesh is crucified daily, the "fleshly desires" of this world are cut off, and our passion and heart's cry is to truly live as servants of the Most High.

Jesus is calling us to minister, both individually and corporately, to the heart of our Heavenly Father, to honor the Lord of Glory Jesus Christ, and to embrace His Presence as HE walks among us. Our desire is to never grieve the Precious Holy Spirit, but allow HIM to have full reign in our midst. For the Heavens to open and to not just be a visiting place for the Glory of the Lord, but a place for God's Glory to inhabit and rest.

We desire to be a people, fierce in spiritual battle against the enemies of Christ so that all captives might be set free.

Matt 21:13 says: "˜My house shall be called a house of prayer...... and again in Mark 11:17 "˜My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations"

This “house", both individually (as, we are the temple of the Holy Spirit) and corporately is surely a “house of prayer". GOMZ has over 80 areas where prayer is implemented. Some of these areas include:

Prayer Network

Gateway on Mt. Zion is blessed to have an incredible network of prayer warriors and intercessors from all over the world. Every day, this network is activated into service as prayer requests come in by phone, mail and internet. Immediately upon receiving a request, our Pastor over prayer begins activating prayer on behalf of those in need. We experience amazing answers as the body of Christ battles together in agreement for one another.

Pre-Service Prayer

Each Sunday from 9 AM - 10 AM, Pastor David facilitates a time of prayer. Everyone is welcome to join during this time. Invariably, that which is prayed during this time, manifests during the service.