GOMZ Mission: Asia

Philippines – Jermane, Ian and Angelique Cabey Faithful Ministers and Servants with Youth With A Mission (YWAM)

For years, these devoted ministers have passionately served within Youth With A Mission (YWAM), with GOMZ standing alongside them in steadfast support through finances and prayer. GOMZ also actively partners with their mission by sending teams to assist in ministry—through training, teaching, preaching, and manifesting the life-transforming power of Christ’s signs, wonders, and miracles.

The results have been  miraculous: pain disappearing, the crippled healed and leaping with joy, and the hopeless restored to laughter and renewed purpose. Lives are being changed, freedom is being found, and the Kingdom of God is advancing.

Israel – Feeding the hungry and bringing the message of Christ the Messiah (Yeshua HaMashiach) to the people on the streets of Jerusalem. Bringing the sound of heaven through prayer and worship to a nation crying out for heaven"s answers.

Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia and India – Mike and Darlene Corman have been faithful and dedicated missionaries to the nations. Multitudes have been touched and changed by these “life layed down" servants of God. Orphans have been fed, the sick at leprosy hospitals comforted, people taught and loved, and the lost given salvation. AMC supports this awesome couple with prayer and financial support.
