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Daily Devotional - April 4th

Apr 4, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Daily Read “ Deuteronomy 26:1-27:26; Luke 10:38-11:13; Psalm 76:1-12; Proverbs 12:15-17
   Luke 11:1-4
Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place,
when He ceased, that one of His disciples
 said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John
 also taught his disciples. "So He said to them,
"When you pray, say:

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your Kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us day by day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins,
For we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one,
For Yours is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory
Forever, Amen!
The Word of God equips us in every area of our Christian walk, including our prayer life. The disciples watched and observed Christ praying to His Father and asked Him to teach and instruct them to pray. Jesus responded by praying a prayer that transcends time, denomination, and culture. Known in the body of Christ as the Lord's Prayer is also the believer's prayer.  This treasured and cherished gift has preserved the church through time and eternity. 
Jesus never intended for this gifted prayer to become a vain repetition void of meaning and intimacy, but rather to bring heaven on earth in our lives. What a beautiful bridal gift from our groom.
Let's take a journey and craft a personal prayer to Father God using the Lord's Prayer as our model.
Our Father in heaven - You are the Almighty One, the One who rules and reigns over the earth and over all things. You are My wonderful, all powerful heavenly Father.
Hallowed be Your name - Your name is holy and sacred and there is no other name in heaven or on earth that carries the weight of authority. All things are subject to Your name for it is matchless and all powerful. The name of Yeshua Jesus reverberates through all realms.
Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven - I pray for a heaven invasion in my life and on this earth. The Kingdom of God lives within me because You reside within me.  Lord, show me how to bring Your Kingdom into my world today. Let Your will be done in and through me today as it is in heaven. I desire to live and move from my spiritual position seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus.
Give us this day our daily bread - I receive Your daily manna of revelatory manna for my spirit, soul, and body. You've met all of my needs according to Your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. You not only provide physical bread for the strengthening of my body, but You provide living, daily manna to strengthen my spirit and renew my soul. I look for Your daily revelation because it is fresh and new every morning.
And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who are indebted to us - Father, forgive me for all known and unknown sins. I confess these and receive Your forgiveness given to me through the shed blood of Your Son Jesus Christ. I choose to forgive all those who have sinned against me. As I forgive others, Your forgiveness flows to me. I release all those I've held captive through my unforgiveness.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil - Father, help me to not only discern and recognize when temptation knocks, but to also resist opening the door to it. Give me strength to overcome all temptations from the enemy. I surrender to Your delivering power in My life. If there are areas in my life which are held captive by the enemy, I ask You to open those prison doors and deliver me from all evil.
For Yours is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, Forever - To You oh Lord, my God, my King and lover of my soul belongs all power, all majesty, all glory, all praise, and all adoration. You are King of kings and Lord of lords. I place You as King and Lord in and over my life. I am forever grateful to You My awesome God!  I am forever Yours and You are forever mine.