Nestled in the foothills of beautiful Golden, Colorado, Gateway on Mt. Zion promises a "Heaven on Earth" experience with God.
Although Denver is only a 20-minute commute, it seems a million miles away as you worship Jesus while enjoying spectacular view of His majestic Rocky Mountains. GoMZ is located on Lookout Mt. Road, which is part of the historic Lariat Loop - a national scenic byway. Church services start at 10:00 AM every Sunday.
If you are new to the area and/or looking for a loving, joy-filled, passionate community of believers, we invite you to come up to the mountain and check out the view.
There are buried treasures within the Word of God that have yet to be discovered. You are embarking upon a life changing expedition to unearth these jewels. The rain from heaven is pouring over the pages of the Bible uncovering mysteries that will strengthen and empower you in your day-to-day life.
By Brook - Site Promoter McNeely - April 11, 2020