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Daily Devotional - June 6th

Jun 6, 2024 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Daily Read - 1 Kings 1:1-53; Acts 4:1-37; Psalm 124:1-8; Proverbs 16:24
 Acts 4:32-33
Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone
say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common.
And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
And great grace was upon them all.
Darkness and wickedness strategize continually dreaming up ways to attack and destroy the unity in My body. Since the beginning, Satan has witnessed the strength and power of My people coming together with a common vision in one accord. It does tremendous damage to his demonic domain and he stops at nothing to tear it apart.
Every great and earthshaking Kingdom movement originates from unity and the power of agreement. When believers join together in united prayer, heaven moves and the natural realm must conform to My will on earth and explosive signs, wonders, and miracles are the resulting fruit.
Knowing this, darkness works overtime to hijack unity so it will benefit its purposes. It conjures up and maneuvers circumstances trying to lure the church into negative agreements. It plants wicked thoughts of strife, jealousy, and envy all with the intention of bringing a different type of unity, one that produces death and destruction.
My Word warns against the dangers of an unequally yoked alliance. How can two walk together unless they are in agreement with one another? Joining your heart with anyone who does not line up and agree with your spiritual walk means you are compromising and opening the door to an unholy and ungodly alliance. In this state, unity is not possible and your power source is cut off. It may appear to work for a while, but eventually, that mirage, arranged by hell dissipates revealing the fruit of this unholy alignment.
On the other hand, entwining your heart with those of like spirit and vision releases an eternal flow of My power. My Word says in Matthew 18:19-20, "Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." 

Can you now understand why the enemy hates unity and tries so hard to dismantle it? Be watchful and pray against the lures of the enemy. Guard your unity with your brothers and sisters in Christ and do not allow darkness to pull you into unholy agreements against one another. Recognize his tactics to drag you into isolation. It is difficult to come into agreement when you choose to be alone and disjointed from My body.
One can chase a thousand, but two ten thousand!
What can an army chase?
You do the math!
Lord Jesus, forgive me for falling into the enemy's trap of isolationism and then justifying it. I repent for biting on the lure of offense, self-righteousness, judgment, and jealousy. I need the body of Christ; I need the power of agreement in my life. I am not created to be alone; I am created to be a part of Your awesome body Lord Jesus. I choose to walk away from the wounds of the past that keep me locked down in unforgiveness. As an act of my will, I rise above all the reasons I have for not walking in one accord and choose to join hands with my brothers and sisters. I renounce all unholy, ungodly agreements I have made with people, ideas, and thoughts that contradict Your Word of truth. I break all alliances I have made knowingly or unknowingly with those who do not walk in the fullness of Your light. I ask for discernment to guard against disunity and for Your wisdom to protect unity. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.