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Daily Devotional - May 13th

May 13, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Daily Read - 1 Samuel 14:1-52; John 7:31-53; Psalm 109:1-31; Proverbs 15:5-7
Psalm 109:2-4
For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful
Have opened against me; They have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
They have also surrounded me with words of hatred,
And fought against me without a cause.
In return for my love they are my accusers,
But I give myself to prayer.

This portion of scripture powerfully reminds us to pray over all things. Judgments may come and slander may be on the lips of the accusers, but the Word of God admonishes us to bless those who curse us and pray for those who spitefully use us.
Are there those in your life who seem to despise you for no apparent reason speaking evil against you without a cause? Pray for them and the situation; nothing changes circumstances quicker than to bring heaven on the scene through prayer. It is astonishing to behold how even the most horrific of situations transforms when we pray.
Unfortunately, as the times and seasons become more and more unsettling in the world, fear becomes the motivating factor behind the reactions of people, even from Christian brothers and sisters. In response, we need to guard our hearts and mouths with the love of Christ and pray for them, speaking only what we hear Holy Spirit directing us to say.
Those who kiss and hug you one minute can turn on a dime and despitefully use you the next. Sometimes it seems those you love and support the most are the very ones who slander and defame your character. As believers, we are to pray for them asking God to reveal His truth in their lives.
The Christian journey requires some difficult and uncomfortable decisions. Our flesh wants retribution and revenge, while our spirit man wants only what pleases the Father. The enemy tries luring us to react from our mind, will, and emotions tempting us to wield fleshly weaponry to fight these spiritual battles. Of course, natural methods never win wars; they only strengthen demonic strongholds in our lives. However, wielding the sword of the Spirit cuts down darkness and dismantles the strategies coming from the accuser of the brethren.
We find great comfort in the Word that tells us the Lord defends us vindicating us in the midst of the enemy's assault. Isaiah 58:8 assures us God's glory is our rear guard and He sees things that we do not.
If you are facing a situation at the workplace where an employer or employee rails against you for no reason....pray for them.
If a teacher, professor, or someone in authority demeans your character....pray for them.
If someone in line at the grocery store, laundry mat, or even at church dishonors and disrespects you...pray for them.
If your accusers continue to slander you, continue to love them and.....pray for them.
Prayer changes things!