Daily Read - Joshua 15:1-63; Luke 18:18-43; Psalm 86:1-17; Proverbs 13:9-10
Psalms 86:10
For You are great, and do wondrous things; You alone are God.
Yes, I alone am God! There can be no other gods in your life. Can anyone or anything give you one more breath? Will the sun or moon obey the commands of unredeemed flesh and blood? Does earth stop at your command? Man tries taking credit for the wondrous things I do, but to no avail because in the end, every knee bows and every tongue confesses that I Am Lord.
I want to do even more wonders in your life, but you have restrained My hands by your continual pursuit of other things, placing them ahead of Me. I know you don't intentionally push Me aside, but your actions hinder My involvement in your life.
I want to be the first one you turn to when
you are hurt.
I want to be the first one you turn to when
you have questions.
I want to be the first one you turn to when
you face crisis.
I want to be the first one you turn to when
you are sick.
I want to be the first one you turn to when
you are betrayed.
I want to be the first one you turn to when
you are discouraged.
I want to be the first one you turn to when
you are lonely.
I want to be the first one you turn to when
you are frightened.
I want to be the first one you turn to in your life!
Too many times, I watch you turn to others for answers and comfort before coming to Me. Who knows you better than your heavenly Father? Who has never failed or forsaken you? Who knows every hair on your head and every thought in your heart? Who knows how to meet your every need?
So much can be averted by simply coming to Me first. I Am a great God and I do wondrous and miraculous things.
I Am God
Stop looking for someone else to fill My shoes!
Precious Father, I sense hurt in Your voice today and I hear the cry of Your heart for my full devotion. Forgive me for turning to others before turning to You. No one nor anything can ever take the place of who You are in my life. You are the very air I breathe and the One who sustains me with life. Lord, I recognize and acknowledge that You alone are my God and I choose to serve You with my whole heart not because I have too, but because I love You so much! You have done so much for me, but that's not why I love You so much, I love You because of who You are! You are my treasure and my everything!