Daily Read “ Numbers 8:1-9:23; Mark 13:14-37; Psalm 50:1-23; Proverbs 10:29-30
Psalm 50:1-2
Mighty One, God the Lord,
Has spoken and called the earth
From the rising of the sun to its going down.
Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty,
God will shine forth.
I am the Mighty One, God and creator of all things. Through My spoken Word, all things seen and unseen are created. Not one living thing exists without My life-giving breath.
I call forth the morning sunrise and evening sunset. The entire universe displays My glorious splendor. My heartbeat pulsates in and through creation reflecting the love and beauty of My Father.
Don't allow darkness to overwhelm you because darkness and light are the same to Me. I own all things they belong to Me and not to the enemy. Regardless of how dark circumstances may appear, My light shines through them all.
If you're in the darkness of despair; look, I bring My light of hope.
If you're in the depths of chaos and turmoil in your family; look, I bring light and order.
If you feel cornered and trapped by seemingly insurmountable circumstances; look, I Am the Mighty One who lights your way of escape.
As dark becomes darker, I become brighter and more glorious in every situation. Nothing can extinguish My light and no one can outshine Me! The created can never exalt itself above the Creator! He tried once and failed miserably.
My light is always seen through the eyes of the Spirit. It is always present because I Am always present for I Am the light of the world.
There is no circumstance too dark and no night to black that My light cannot illuminate.
Look for the light and You will find Me
Lord Jesus, You light my world! You are a Mighty God. The enemy can never extinguish Your light. It gives me comfort and warmth, faith and hope. It clears obstacles from my path and solidifies my walk. Your light exposes all hidden things and brings truth revealed. You are light and all darkness must bow in Your radiant presence. No matter how dark the enemy tries to make situations in my life, I know Your light always shines bringing clarity and understanding. You are beautiful and I love You so much! Amen.