Daily Read “ Jeremiah 10:1-11:23; Colossians 3:18-4:18; Psalm 78:56-72; Proverbs 24:28-29
Colossians 4:6
Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt,
that you may know how you ought to answer each one.
Your tongue is a powerful tool that brings life or death depending upon to whom it is surrendered.
When entrusted to Me, I use your speech to set captives free and unlock prison doors. I use your speech as a key to open doors of opportunity in your life. I bless your conversation with abundant grace and
favor will flavor every word that proceeds from your mouth. You will discern and perceive what to say before a question is asked. Many will be amazed and perplexed at the wisdom that comes from your mouth.
Begin each day by surrendering your speech to Me. Open your mouth and I will fill it with abundant grace for every situation that arises. As I provided fresh manna each day for My children in the wilderness, I give you exactly what is needed to sustain you throughout your day. You have not for you ask not. Ask for wisdom and I will liberally give it to you.
Use your speech to declare My blessings over people and situations. Allow My Spirit to lead your tongue into high praise tearing through the second heaven wreaking havoc in Satan's domain and bringing heaven on earth.
If, by an act of your will, you choose to give your speech to the workings of the flesh, death will be the result.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue...
which flavor do you choose?
Lord Jesus, I choose life and life more abundant. I ask for abundant grace for this day Lord God. I ask for Your wisdom to grace my speech. I surrender my tongue, mouth, and speech to You. I expect to see Your favor flavor my words. As I speak to my boss, my friends, my family, and to those who cross my path, I expect to see favor open doors of opportunity. As an act of my will, I choose to use my speech to bring edification, exhortation, and comfort. Holy Spirit, place a guard over my lips when I am tempted to speak contrary to the Word of God. In Jesus Name, Amen.