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Daily Devotional - September 19th

Sep 19, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Daily Read “ Isaiah 30:12-33:9; Galatians 5:1-12; Psalm 63:1-11; Proverbs 23:22
Isaiah 33:6
 He will be the sure foundation for your times,
a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge;
the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.
I have a special room filled with unimaginable treasures. It is safely locked and inaccessible, except to those who hold the key. 
This room holds the deepest desires of your heart. Those valued aspirations that only you and I know about. I have a rich storehouse of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge ready to release to empower and activate these desires. Those who hold the key will unlock this room. Solomon could have asked for worldly riches, but instead, he sought wisdom. It was through My gift of wisdom he obtained the riches and walked into his destiny.

This key opens a very special place. It opens a room in the council chambers of My heart. This key cannot be bought, nor can it be negotiated. It is not reserved for those demonstrating great faith nor even for those moving in signs and miracles. No, I give this key to those who fear Me; who stand in awe of who I am in their lives and reverence My Presence.
This key will unlock the treasures of My heart. Salvation, wisdom, and knowledge will pour over your life when you reverence who I am. My Word declares, The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
I will be your sure foundation in all your appointed times. I will give you wisdom and knowledge to know My kairos moments in your life and you will surely know that I order and direct your steps.
 I have much treasure to lavish on you!
Heavenly Father, I know this is a kairos moment. I bow before You. I humble myself in reverence of who You are in my life. Forgive me for my insensitivity to Your glorious and holy presence. Holy Spirit, teach me to fear My God. Bring me into a deeper revelation of what that truly looks like. Father, I desire to touch Your heart in those deep places to unlock the treasures of Your goodness and grace toward me. You are my sure foundation and I choose to build my life on Jesus, the Rock and reverence Him!
 On Christ the solid rock I stand, 
All other ground is sinking sand....
All other ground is sinking sand!