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Daily Devotional - September 9th

Sep 9, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Daily Read “ Isaiah 3:1-5:30; 2 Corinthians 11:1-15; Psalm 53:1-6; Proverbs 22:28-29
Psalm 53:1 
The fool has said in his heart, There is no God."
As you experience this masterful presentation of "I Believe" by Brian Doerksen, quiet yourself in His Presence and allow Him to speak to you. Be aware of how this beautiful display of God and His wonders awakens your senses.
The Lord goes to great lengths to speak and convey His love to us. He speaks through creation in the sound of the crashing waves and through the quietness of falling rain. His voice thunders as lightning flashes across the heavens declaring His magnificent power.  
The Lord of Glory has something extraordinary to say as you listen to this song and delight in His beauty. Write down what He reveals. This is a love song from His heart to yours. Allow His extravagant love to overwhelm and carry you into new realms of His Glory.
Father God, I believe! Through this song, Your love has swept me into places of deeper worship. The demonstration of Your love astounds me! To know that I am Your child engraved in the palm of Your hand goes beyond my comprehension.  As I walk into this new day, I do so with great expectancy knowing You are for me, therefore, who can be against me! I believe that all things are possible....I believe!