Daily Read - Job 23:1-27; 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11; Psalm 41:1-13; Proverbs 22:5-6
Proverbs 22:5
Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse;
He who guards his soul will be far from them.
Those who keep their soul (mind, will, and emotions) from the perverse and evil things of this world will avoid the entrapments the enemy meticulously places in life's path. Keeping your minds continuously washed in My blood guarantees a pure and holy walk.
The path of the righteous is illuminated with the lamp of revelation and I order every step of My righteous ones. When an unbridled soul surrenders to My Lordship, I take control of the ship steering it in the direction it should go. I guide it away from those things I know will bring harm and destruction. I even steer it away from the storms I see on the horizon.
Put a watch over your soul always making sure it is submitted and subjected to My will. Ask My Spirit to show you when your emotions are getting the best of you and then immediately bring them back into order.
Guard your soul and protect it from enemy access. He cannot invade the territory of your mind, will, and emotions when they are surrendered to Me. I hold them in the safe harbor of the secret place of My presence. In fact, it is illegal for the enemy to trespass on holy ground. The only legal ground he has is your agreement with his lies. He then can take control of the wheel of your soul again. In other words, allowing it to do what it wants rather than what I want.
Submit your soul to me, resist the enemy and watch him flee.
Dear Jesus, remind me when my soul is back in my control and not Yours. My desire is to bring glory and honor to You with my entire being, especially my soul. I do not want to do what I want; I desire Your will being done in my life as it is in heaven. Show me when I have my hands back on the steering wheel demanding my own way. I never want to veer off course or cause shipwreck; I want You to be the only one guiding my ship on life's journey. Forgive me for interfering with Your will in my life. I present my mind, will, and emotions to You - have Your way with me. Amen!