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Daily Devotional - August 18th

Aug 18, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Daily Read “ Esther 1:1-3:15, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34; Psalm 35:17-28; Proverbs 21:19-20
Today's reading in Esther is a magnificent display of God's providential plan in action. It is amazing how the Lord takes an ordinary day in the life of someone and turns into a supernatural display of His splendor?  In what seemed like a moment, Esther went from being a common Jewish girl to that of an exquisite queen. She was chosen from an entire crowd of women as though a divine light hovered over her bringing her into the focus of the king.
It was God's light of favor that shone on this virtuous woman. It whispered into the heart of King Ahasuerus, "Choose Esther, she is the one." It was Esther's God moment and it not only changed her life forever, but it brought rescue to an entire people group. 
The plans of God are absolutely astounding and outrageous. When we feel unnoticed in the crowd, the spotlight of His extravagance points us out to those needing to see us. As we follow Christ in this life, He guarantees we will be in the right place at the exact right time. All we need to do is follow His footsteps and they will lead us into our destiny.
His light always illuminates the path before us showing us the next step to take into our future. If we allow Holy Spirit to guide our feet, we avoid all obstacles and hurdles. Instead of going repeatedly around the mountain, He takes us through them. 
If you feel lost in the crowd, God knows right where to find you and picks you out of that crowd. His eye is on you and He never once turns away. Even now, He sets up a plan for your tomorrow making sure you find it and others find you.
You are a divine appointment ready to happen. The angels busily arrange each circumstance surrounding your life with the intention of bringing you into a supernatural collision course with your destiny. God loves you and as long as you follow Him, you can't help but fall into His plans and purposes for your life.
You have been born for such a time as this!